Infinity Symbol – How to type it in Word/Excel and Mac?

Infinity Symbol – How to type it in Word/Excel and Mac?

The infinity symbol is used in mathematics to represent the numbers that can’t be defined. In mathematics, any number divided by zero is called infinity. Infinity is also called a lemniscate. When you enter anything divided by zero in the calculator, it will show an error because the calculator can’t be defined the given number….

5 Ways to Type Phi Symbol (ɸ) on Word and Mac Keyboards

5 Ways to Type Phi Symbol (ɸ) on Word and Mac Keyboards

The phi symbol (ɸ) is the 21st letter in the Greek alphabet and it is used in mathematics to represent the angle between two lines.In physics, it is used to represent the electric and magnetic flux. Type 0278+Alt-X to insert the Phi in Microsoft word. Additionally, it can be inserted using Alt code 232. Use the command \Phi…

5 Ways to Type Envelope/Email symbol (✉) in Word/Excel and Mac Keyboard:

5 Ways to Type Envelope/Email symbol (✉) in Word/Excel and Mac Keyboard:

The email symbol is a graphical representation of an envelope commonly used to indicate the presence of mail or messaging. It is often used as an icon for email applications and can also represent the process of sending a message or correspondence. To enter the envelope sign on the keyboard, type 2709 and hold down…